Sunday, November 9, 2014

Such a Simple Song

On Friday I had a really heartbreaking situation involving a young patient and her mom. Both homeless, and the little girl was ill, really ill. The shelter they were staying at wasn't allowing the mother to makes soup or other foods for the young girl. Many shelters do not allow food because it can lead to infestation of bugs and rodents and other unsightly situations (sad, but true). Shelter residents eat meals in a common area and no food is allowed in rooms, if the resident is fortunate enough to have a room. 

So, this was a tricky situation. A common cold could quickly evolve into something worse if not treated with supportive measures such as fluids, good food, and rest. This is where I get to play not only medical provider but also social worker - which, of course, is the perfect role for me.

There was a call to the shelter. There was a reached upon agreement for this young family that an exception could be made for the time being. Feeling good about this, but still feeling unsettled about their situation overall, I wanted to do something else. I wanted to give the little girl something. All she had was a small backpack with her, and she had been such a good patient. Probably, in fact, my best patient all day. We have these books donated to our facility through Reach out and Read (great program) and I grabbed a book suitable for a 4 year old, which was her age. I read the title as I sat down and gave it to her, "You Are My Sunshine."

When I said that the little girl looked up at me and we glanced at each other as I turned the page, "My only sunshine." As I turned the page again her and I started to sing together softly because the next page said " make me happy, when skies are gray." It was only then that I realized the book was a simple picture book with the words to, "You are my sunshine," a song from many of our childhoods.

When we finished the short book my heart was pounding not only because the little girl was beaming and wanted to sing it again (which we did: me, the little girl, her mom and the interpreter!) but because this is a song my own mother has sung to me from as far back as I can remember. So, thank you, to my own mother, for the effort and energy and love she has put into raising me the last 39 years. I adore the moments when I get to pay that love forward. Also, wow, the power of a book!! 

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